Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tel Dan, Northern Isra'el: Abrahamic Gate (Genesis 14:14)

Why do I refer to this Bronze Age, Canaanite gate as the "Abrahamic Gate"? Well, let me tell you briefly. This mud brick gate was excavated at Tel Dan, and it dates to within the time in which many scholars place Abraham, around 2,000 BCE. That is around 2,000 years before Jesus was even born! It is amazing that this city gate has even survived in any form. There are some reconstructions present, for example the wood around the door of the gate. Also, some of the mud bricks have been covered with new material for preservation and then polished. However, so much of what you see is original and authentic. This ruin is quite impressive. Genesis 14:14 tells us that Abraham traveled as far as "Dan" in pursuit of his relative Lot who had been taken captive during war in Canaan between 9 kings. This city gate of Dan was in use during the time Abraham traveled "as far as Dan", leading 318 of his trained men that were "born in his house" with the goal of rescuing Lot. It is very plausible that Abraham walked through this very gate as he came to Dan. No one can be certain about this, but it is very possible, if not likely. For this reason I have referred to this gate as the "Abrahamic Gate". Old, old stuff. Very old.


  1. Adam,
    Loved the pictures! When we went to this place on our last trip to Israel, Sam referred to this as "The Gate of Abraham". It is quite unbelievable that it is still in existence. I am so happy that you are getting to go to places that you have never been before. Be safe and enjoy the end of your trip. Be sure to give Manal and Mohammad our love and hugs. We love you. Mom

  2. It is hard to wrap your mental arms around the importance of these old old old old ruins but let us remember Abraham "DID" walk through this gate. You are walking where the saints have traveled, you are seeing what they saw, you are smelling, touching and tasting what they tasted. This is real, this is not a mythological fairy tale. There are still great discoveries to be made, still great finds out there, there is meat yet to be put on the bones of our faith, let us do everything we can to make those bones rise out of the dust and come alive.
