Wednesday, July 4, 2012

View of Judean Mountains/Wilderness in the Background: Shot from Very Near an Archaeological Site Called Tel El-Hesi in Southern Isra'el (Today, July 4, 2012)

Judean Mountains in Background

Judean Mountains in Background

Judean Mountains in the Distance Behind Me

Yochanan (John) was baptizing at Bethany beyond the Jordan (some times referred to as Bethania). See John 1:28.  Yeshua (Jesus) came down from Nazareth of the Galilee (ha Galil) to be baptized by Yochanan. After His baptism, the Gospels report that He went into the wilderness (Judean Wilderness/Mountains), where He fasted for 40 days and was tempted by the devil/satan/adversary (Matthew 4, Mark 1, Luke 4). You can see the Judean Mountains in the distance behind me, on the horizon. Somewhere in this large area called the Judean Wilderness, Yeshua wandered, fasting and being tempted, preparing for the path that He was called to walk. 


  1. It is very interesting and fascinating to know Biblical places - not only from books or college, but "on live"...

  2. The pictures are great! Love the explanations too. These pictures of the Judean remind me that when it talks about Jesus going into the wilderness, fasting, and being tempted by the adversary, how barren that land is. It is nothing like we think of here as the wilderness. Knowing about the land makes us understand how much harder, even then, that 40 days in Jesus' life it was.
    Love you.
