Monday, June 25, 2012

Diggin' in the Dizzirt, Lookin' for a Galaxy Far, Far Away


  1. Wow, this looks interesting and the sunrise (or sunset) is beautiful. Great pictures! Love, Mom

  2. Love you. Jimmy is the short man with me in the first photo.

  3. Thanks for posting pictures, the only proof I have that Cullen is alive and well! Have you found anything cool yet?

  4. Heyyy. Cullen is alive and well. Right here with me. We've found a few items of interest. We found what is basically a stamped pottery sherd, an Egyptian stamp in good condition, very clear, around 1,000 B.C.E. or so, or even older. We also found another Egyptian inscription, with pictures of people holding something, very clear, very neat, on I think a piece of bone material. They are going to design our dig t-shirt with this drawing on it. Very cool.

  5. Also...we found part of a figurine of a woman's lower torso.

  6. I am checking my blog if you need me to give Cullen a message, etc. or just want to ask me any so and I will try to respond quickly. Y'all take care. -Adam
