Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In Bethlehem, West Bank

I am currently in Bethlehem in the West Bank. This area of Palestinian territory is referred to as the West Bank due to the fact that this land is situated along the "West Bank" of the Jordan River. Yes...this is the Jordan River in which Yochanan (John) the Baptist performed baptism of repentance, calling a multitude of Israelites to to repentance, renewal, and baptism in the water of this river during the 1st Century C.E. The most famous Israelite that Yochanan baptized in the Jordan is none other than Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth. The Gospels, Acts, and the 1st Century C.E. Jewish historian Josephus all tell of Yochanan and his ministry. I am staying in an apartment in Bethlehem with one of my friend Marcel's good friends. Marcel has an apartment right around the corner from this one in which he has arranged for me to stay. I have spent a lot of time visiting and catching up with Marcel today. We hung out in his parents' home for quite a while. They have an extremely nice home, decorated throughout with Christian ornamentation. I have eaten a truly delicious chicken pita sandwich, peppers, cucumbers, pickles, and green olives from Marcel's parents' restaurant. The chicken sandwiches they make are really awesome! Marcel also brought me a delicious falafel pita in the early afternoon. It was so good! My friend Marcel is a 33 year-old Palestinian Arab who is Christian and also born and raised in Bethlehem. Christians are an increasingly smaller minority in the West Bank, but I assure you that there are indeed Christians here, such as Marcel. In the morning, I intend to catch a van to Hebron in the morning, in order to visit the mosque that claims to house the tomb of Abraham. From my understanding, this site is regarded to be holy by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Pray for me. Peace. --Adam                                              


  1. I am so glad you arrived safely and I am happy that you have had the opportunity to catch up with your friend, Marcel. The food sounds wonderful and I remember how wonderful the chicken swvarmas are at his families restaurant. And just the thought of a falafel makes my mouth water. That is my favorite food there. It sounds like you have many interesting sites to see and a new experience in the West Bank. I hope you take many pictures and post them. We are all praying for your safety and know that God IS indeed with you every step of the way. What an awesome experience!!! I Love You, Mom

  2. Adam... great to know you arrived and are doing well. Keep up the blogging... I am praying for you as I walk the porticoes of FUMC. Greetings and Peace to you and all your friends there.
    --- Sage

  3. Let Dad and I hear from you soon!! I hope you have a wonderful day and we are praying for you all the way!! Love, Mom
